And good grief, we in America have so much to be thankful for... but we're pretty much to the point of being the spoiled rich kid that takes everything for granted (myself included in that statement!!). In our society thanksgiving gets glossed over in hopes of creating a longer Christmas shopping season; or it's known as "turkey day" and you partake of the bird while you watch football on the television... but let's face it, there is little to no marketability in thankfulness and for that I am very thankful.
So I hope that you do take time this thanksgiving to think of all the things that you are thankful for and more importantly, Who you need to be thanking. Myself? I'm thankful for (in no particular order)...
- a great family that puts up with me and lives so close, lending their many hands
- great friends to go out with and laugh and forget the day-to-day stresses and frustrations
- my husband - he's so smart and keeps a level head about everything, has taught me a lot in terms of staying calm and peaceful (there are many times that I need to learn more!)
- my kids - they are so sweet and really they don't cause me any more grief than any other child might bring. more importantly they bring me joy and contentment
- my job - while I don't feel like I can devote the time it deserves, it totally provides a creative outlet for me and is a position that I'm really passionate about.
- my house - so much room, so much fun, so much to clean :)
It's my fave too! Rare that I find a Thanksgiving-lovin' buddy. I knew I liked you. :o)
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