Friday, August 22, 2008

The Boys...

A boy only post today -I'll make it up to Lillie another day.

The older boys started their swim lessons yesterday...they were excited, can you tell?

They did really well, this little gal has a way of getting Huston to do things that the other gal didn' he never floated on a pool noodle without also having a death grip on the instructor - so this was huge...she still has him but he isn't the one in control. He's making progress. (So is Isaiah I just couldn't snap a good picture of him.)

Avery was a bit goofy last night...he spent time drawing ghosts...

Playing detective...

And singing...check this out...I had to clip the end because he totally made up the last line of this classic tune and I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing - so I spared you that...

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