Sunday, August 31, 2008


The house is quiet....I am the only one here tonight, no kids, no husband - just me, the clicking of keys, the hum of the a/c....*sigh*

I miss my family....but what wonderful sleep I will get tonight. I will be on my own schedule, my internal clock time - late night and late morning, late breakfast and whatever I want in between. I don't think at this point in my life I could ask for a nicer gift than just being in my house all by myself.

Where is everyone, you ask? Don't worry....nothing sinister happened to them. Since tomorrow is a holiday, Steven took the boys to his folks house to camp in their yard...Grandma Gloria wanted to spend sometime with sweet Lillie too so she is "camping" out in grandma's pack -n- play. And me? I will hook up with everyone tomorrow....after I wake up and have my late breakfast.


Michelle said...

Haha - glad it's nothing sinister! Enjoy your quiet house; it sounds lovely.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Hope you enjoyed the quiet!

MammaMayMiller said...

...sounds absolutely BLISSFUL!!!
did you enjoy? do you feel refreshed? by the sounds of it you really needed it, so i sincerely hope it did the trick :)