Monday, December 29, 2008

The Room

I have had a lot of people ask me how well we have transitioned with the new room situation. So I thought I would post some pictures. For those of you that aren't aware - for Christmas we gave our oldest (he's now 7!!! how did he get to be 7???) his own room. Ever since we have had Avery around (a little over 3 years) Isaiah and Huston have shared a room. Avery is a terrible sleeper - so we had thought it best to give him his own space so that he doesn't disturb anyone else's sleep patterns (besides his mother's, that is)....but over the past month or so it has become very obvious that Isaiah has been longing for his own space.

We told him about his gift on Christmas morning by giving him a new set of full size sheets. We explained that the sheets were for his new bed that would be in his new room. He was very excited. The day after Christmas we enlisted the help of the grandfathers and had our hide away loveseat switched out with the train table and also rearranged a few bookshelves....and a day and a half of cleaning and organizing later we have two "new" rooms....

This is Isaiah's room - notice the gate at the door - no little siblings allowed at this time. The closet is full of little tiny legos and play mobiles and other tempting little toys that "young" children tend to lose, destroy, throw or eat. Now Isaiah can build and write and listen to music/stories to his heart's content...pretty much without interruption or fear of his masterpieces being destroyed. BUT that does include a lot more responsibility - no more blaming of younger brothers when something is messed up - no more complaining of how someone else made the mess - and he will have to have his area rug cleaned up by the end of the evening so that we can pull out the bed. So far (which has been one night and a smidgen of a day cause he's been hanging out at Grandma's house) I can tell that we will have some new habits to learn. But he's still very excited.

Huston and Avery are also excited about their new area. Everyone told me when I had become pregnant with Avery so soon after having Huston that these two would be sooo very close and play with each other all the time. I never saw this occurring - until the past month or so. We have had almost 3 years of competing for attention, squabbling, yelling, fighting, and overall annoyance but it has magically started to dissipate and these two are genuinely enjoying each others company....FINALLY! Now they still have their rough spots as all siblings do, but for the most part they look to each other when it's time to go play. The other night when Huston had gone to Grandma's house while Avery stayed home, that evening Avery asked, "Where Huston?" We had to call him at Grandma's and tell him hello. Here is their new room.

Now they can do trains and cars and trucks to their heart's content. Hopefully we will have a very happy household! There is no reason why we shouldn't - except for the fact we have a 3 yr. old and a 4 yr. old sharing a room....


Michelle said...

The rooms look great - I hope the boys continue to enjoy their new spaces!

RK said...

Wow they do look great! I hope it works out very well as they move forward. It makes sense... and maybe Isaiah will also like the new view out his window? :o) Different can be good!

Brook said...

Looks great! What's in the "little boys" window?

Is your living room rug free now or did you get a new one?

Brook said...

I forgot to does Huston like being on the top bunk?

Jessie said...

thanks all...I think it will be a good change.

brook - i think your just seeing shadows in the window...yes our living room is rug free...and huston has actually had the top bunk for awhile - isaiah had gotten tired of climbing up and down :o)

Brook said...

That's funny...Zack had the top bunk at the end too. They decided they would take turns.

I should have been more clear...I see a cord - do they have a light in their window?