So sorry I have been so scattered lately - so here are the last 2-4 weeks in a nutshell...
In our attempt to become more active I have been trying to take the kids around to different parks and trails here in town. We have a small state park called Rockbridge and the boys love to go - I need to take them more often - we're just not quite there age-wise yet....too many stairs and too long of trails to really let everyone enjoy them. But I dropped Lillie off with my mom one afternoon and took the boys and just did the boardwalk trail. Here are some pictures of that little trip. The fun portion of the trail was under will see....
Avery looking at the can kind of see the mouth of the tunnel just at the top edge of the picture....
Isaiah is still loving his swimming. We are about to wrap up the lessons and I will probably give a bit of break before we start them again. His instructor told me today that she can definitely pass him on Level 2 and possibly at Level 3 (she would have to double check the requirements). She says that he now knows all of his strokes and kicks, its just a matter of practicing them so that he can become proficient. In these pictures he is using a kick board to practice his frog kick. After this he did it without the board and was swimming so well under the water - which always impresses me because I was never able to do that! (I'm jealous)
Huston is also doing pretty well. He had a bit of a set back though. The swim teacher was to the point that in order to go further in instructing Huston, she had to have him work more independently in the water - specifically, not hold onto her so much. She tried to have him do a few things a couple of weeks ago and Huston refused - so she eventually just had to bring him back to me because he wasn't cooperating. Well that was 2 weeks ago, and while we have been swimming, we didn't have swim lessons last week because the little gal was sick - so today was his first lesson since the "scolding" of the last practice and he refused to get into the pool at all. Now, while I am disappointed that he won't go further - I am very satisfied with what he has done and when we swim right now he is a total fish - as long as he is in 1 1/2 foot of water! But at least he isn't as timid as he was.
Isaiah also started 4-H last week. He is in the Clover Kids program for the younger ones. It's a nice small group and it meets at a school just up the road from us so that's pretty handy. Last week was the very first meeting, so Isaiah was a bit shy but he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. The studied sunflowers - they explored them, measured them and then glued the seeds on a paper plate to make a picture. I think Isaiah will enjoy it and I like that we are getting involved with other things - but I forgot to turn in his paperwork during the appointed time at the library on Sunday, so now I need to call and see what I need to do to make sure he is officially enrolled! oops...
Lillie is sitting up and loves to eat foods....she has discovered refried beans and fusses for them when we are at mexican restaurants! (That's my girl!)
Tonight the boys are camping outside - on our back deck! I guess its a practice run, because Steven will be taking the older two camping down in Branson, MO at the end of this week. As they headed out I said, "Oh let me take a picture of you in your silly little tent just a few feet from our back door." and Steven answered, "Well, its quite serious and the tent is big." (The curious george is for Avery...I think)
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