1. Vacuum cleaners - what is it about the sound of a vacuum that sooths a fussy newborn yet scares a toddler out of their mind? I placed Lillie in her bassinet (which is in the living room) and she was fussing herself to sleep. I had to vacuum the area rug - it was full of bits of crackers and cereal and whatever else the boys were eating for snacks and also sand - the never ending remnants of sand that make their way in from the sandbox. So I flipped on the vacuum and in doing so I totally flipped off the fuss. She quieted immediately and closed her eyes. I remember one of the families I used to babysit for in high school told me the story of how the dad burned a "hole" in their rug from leaving the vacuum on to quiet their fussy baby. I think this an amazing phenomenon.
2. You may have read a couple of posts back that Mr. Huston has a routine conversation with me every night...tonight it changed, instead of telling me I'm a "nice" or "sweet" mommy, I became a "cute" mommy. Well, I must say I am flattered and I assume that isn't a reflection of my grumpy behavior today (especially toward his whining).
Why am I tired and therefore grumpy? Well, because Avery has both ears infected. Took him to the dr today because he has not. slept. at. all. the last few nights. Ever since the bout with sickness he experienced this winter he hates the drs office and all the things connected with it. So needless to say it was a very rough visit today. Not only did the dr have to look into his ears, he ended up having to clean them out before he could look - they were so full of wax. It took two people (me being one of them) to hold him down and we could have used a third pair of hands. In the end the event bloodied one of his ears and it took him all morning to calm down from the experience. But we got what we needed and so it can only get better from here.
Tuesday night a couple of my friends from church threw a baby shower for Lillie. It was a lot of fun and I took my camera but never got it out of the purse. I am terrible. But here are some pictures of Lillie in her new Bumbo seat that she received from our friends (she's got her face on in these pictures). She likes it, but as you can see - she needs to get a little bit stronger in order to really enjoy it. Pretty soon she will be wearing her Baby Legs and sitting in her Bumbo seat and looking almost as cute and stylish as her friend Braska Bear. (She gave us the Baby Legs - her good mommy helped a little :-)
And she better get strong fast cause her big brother has his eye on it...
Now the outfit that Lillie is wearing in these photos is the one my mom put me in when she brought me home from the hospital - I almost waited too long to put it on her - but here she is modeling it for you...
And here she is getting mad at her mommy for making her model...
The older boys have been entertaining themselves a lot the last couple of days as I have dealt with the younger ones - feel guilty about that at times, but they really seem to enjoy themselves so I must not be harming them too badly. They have been playing with all the cool stuff Huston got at his party and they have spent A LOT of time in the backyard. Here they are playing with the game "Rush Hour" - I wish I would have done a movie instead cause they were pretty funny - they would take turns and the one that was waiting became the cheerleader and they were singing silly songs to each other as motivation. They are such good brothers - they genuinely like each other...
So that has been a little taste of what's been going on. Steven is on a short business trip tonight so I am hoping for some good sleep. Wish me luck! ;-)
1 comment:
Wow...that's a lot of stuff, for sure. Love the Bumbo! It's wonderful. But yeah, there has to be some pretty good head control with a little trunk strength to make it fun. :o)
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