Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Craziness...that's my life right now. I am keeping my head above water, but there's been a lot of treading. Today was the craziness of craziness...all the children were crazy - Huston at his whiniest. Isaiah very emotional. Avery constantly bringing pulling stuff out of the cabinets and sticking toys in the toilet. You know, the usual. I have lots of deadlines coming up at work - VBS for around 200 kids to plan - 5 weeks or so to go...Baby Dedication sunday on Mother's Day...3 new babies in the congregation last week- trying to provide meals for their families and no one wants to cook (what's with people being too busy to take a meal?)...and then just the week-to-week responsibilities too.

I've had lots of topics pop into my head to write about, but for now they will just stay in my head (maybe - lots of stuff gets lost in there these days). Think the end of the week will be a bit calmer or I will have tons of time to blab about when I am thrown in the loony bin.

See you on the other side.

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