Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Have Fun Isaiah!

We said good-bye to Isaiah last night. He started on his first major trip without his us early this morning. He spent the night with Gran and Grandad so they could get going pretty early. Here he is looking big and sitting on his luggage - ready to go (he kind of looks like he's up to no good)...and I guess I was ready to let him go too.

While we were there Huston and Avery helped Gran water her flowers. Huston went first and actually watered the plants...Avery wanted a turn so Huston finally handed over the watering can to Avery, and here is what he did with it - maybe not as effective as Huston's method, but still quite entertaining...Avery said, "oh look, a river!" and at least Gran's sidewalk should grow nicely.

Inside the boys had a pre-trip wrestling match. This will have to do Isaiah for 10 days now...no daddy wrestles until he returns from his trip - dad still has two boys to throw around...these are my action shots - all blurry to show the constant movement :o)

Daddy gave Avery a couple of turns "up high" as Avery likes to call it - definitely games that this mommy can't play...

Lillie slept through most of it - she woke up long enough to tell Isaiah goodbye. Huston woke up this morning and said that he missed Isaiah already...tough when your roommate is gone - Avery slept in with Huston last night so he could still have some company. We'll see you soon Isaiah have fun and be good...what?...now what kind of mom would I be if I didn't add that little reminder?

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