Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hey Moms Of Kids in Diapers...

our pediatrician told me at our well child check for Lillie that Dow Chemical, the folks that make the absorbing agent for all diapers have increased the cost of this necessary diaper ingredient by about 30% - so therefore the increase in costs will be pushed along to the consumer in a couple of weeks to a month. He says it will effect all brands of diapers. I don't know if this is true - I haven't researched it, but when I told my husband he told me to go stock up. He's not the type to usually care, so I thought if he found it "alarming" maybe I should pass the info along to other moms so you could stock up too if need be. Happy shopping.


RK said...

Good to know... I did some checking on this and there are several reliable sources out there that back up what your doc is saying. I stocked up least that means 2 boxes of 120...and I NEVER buy that much at once!!

Jessie said...

you should have seen our trunk - I think the wal-mart employees thought I must have had 10 kids. :-)