Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Don't Have Much Time Today

I have a busy day ahead and I have a husband on an overnight buisness trip so it's really early in the morning and I'm throwing this up here before the day takes off and sweeps away.

Yesterday I took my kids outside to get a picture of them together, preferably looking at the camera, and maybe even smiling.  In the past this *little* project has been a frustrating nightmare and I fully expected more of the same yesterday.  But a funny thing has happened in a year.

My kids have grown up.  My youngest is now 2 1/2 years old.  So when I say stand here and look at the camera - she actually does it!  And the boys did pretty good forced smiles too!  It was totally amazing.  The whole process took 15 minutes and no one died.

I took the pics with an old school, film camera so that I would have no delay time when I hit that button to capture the moment... so pictures of the photo shoot as well as pictures of harvest time in Iowa will be along as soon as I get a cd made this afternoon.

P.S. - to tag onto yesterday's post I just want to say that I learned this morning that all the miners are out of the ground and I am very happy and thankful.  It was a miracle of a circumstance for sure.

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