Sunday, October 31, 2010

And So It Comes to an End

Phew.  31 straight days of posting - that was kinda hard!  I don't know how these popular daily blogger people do it - constantly coming up with a new topic, having the brain function to sit down and spew out something witty and not offend anyone while doing so (ok, so some of them may offend, but they probably don't care that they offend).

I was glad to do it though - it's good for us to become aware of things that other people are looking straight in the eye and tackling head on because it's a part of their life.  They do so with grace and they teach those that are around them a lot through their experiences.  It's good that God gave us each other to learn from and lean on.

Tonight is the Fall Festival at our church - I'm kinda coordinating it, but it's not a huge feat.  We're keeping it very simple this year and for that I'm very thankful.

Huston has changed his mind about a costume.... again.  There's no going back now.  He's going to be a police man - which sounds easy enough, but in reality the only police man costumes out there these days are the SWAT team/mega force/military police garb.  I was thinking more along the lines of Andy Griffith.  I want my kid to be handing out parking tickets not capturing drug lords.  But we've pieced things together the best that we can and I think he'll look just fine.

Well, I'll post pics of them later.  You may not hear from me for awhile - you and I both probably need the break!  :) 

1 comment:

RK said...

I'll be in touch with you later today about maybe coming for a visit! :o)